Thursday 23 January 2014

That time of the year!

Its THIMUN again! Heels, scarves and fluffy sweaters are set, all I need to do is to jump on the plane this saturday so that it can take me to the oh so missed The Hague! Normally we were going to go to Australia these two weeks to enjoy the sun and be with the family, but I just couldn't let go of Holland. I couldn't take the feeling of knowing that my friends would be having fun in Ned Kelly's without me and even though I would be in a sunny beach in Australia, it would bug me a little. However, I'm very glad that I'm going to Holland for the third time. I don't know why but the past two times, I didn't bring a proper camera so all I have are Instagram photos. But this time I'm taking my Canon and DianaF+ with me in order to have clear and artsy (you can't help it with Diana though) pictures worth saving. This time we will go around Amsterdam and see what there is to see like actual tourists rather than THIMUN soldiers, (hungover and tired.) Our plan for Amsterdam is as follows:

1.Sex Museum
I know it doesn't sound that charming but it actually is. It's very interesting and funny. Plus, it takes like 10 minutes to go around so, not a very big deal.

2.Red Light District
Yup, this is the part where ugly (wo)men in disturbing lingerie tap on the windows of their small glass cabin, inviting men inside for a little party. It's not very pleasant but it's interesting. And since it's on our way, there's no point in taking another street.


3.Anne Frank House
After reading the "Diary of a Young Girl", I always had the feeling that I owed something to Anne. It was like she's a part of me. I know how bad she suffered and I want to make it up to her by visiting the museum. Plus, as I've recently read John Green's The Fault in our Stars (not his best book obviously but worth the time), I really want to see the place Hazel and August have their first kiss.


4.Hard Rock Cafe
I believe that in order for a person to fully tour the city, Hard Rock has to be visited. Also, as I have a friend that collects pins from HRC's all around the world, I don't think she'd let us walk past it. (Hello Deniz <3)


Leaving Holland without having seen a flower market would be a shame. (PS: I bought tulip seeds last year and they turned out fabulous, so I'm planning on doing the same thing again)


6.Vlaamaw Frites Huis (wtf??)
Holland=Fries. No need of another word.


A girl gotta do her shopping too you know. Also the muffin counter on the first floor is ugh-mazing
